- The club shall be called Earl Shilton Trials Club Ltd and shall have for its object the encouragement and protection of motorcycle trials.
- The club shall be affiliated to the Auto-Cycle Union Ltd.
- The club shall be a company limited by guarantee which is run for the benefit of its members by its directors and an elected committee. The committee shall be elected for the year at the clubs annual general meeting. Directors will also be committee members. The committee will appoint directors of the company. There will be a minimum of two and a maximum of 6 directors. The directors are legally responsible for running ESTC Ltd in accordance with UK company law. In instances where there is a clear legal obligation to be met then the director’s decision will be final. All other resolutions will be decided by the clubs committee.
- Any expenditure of club funds requires committee approval in advance. In instances where there is a need to undertake urgent site repairs, procure consumables (keys, locks, stationary etc) or general expenditure associated with holding events (permits, insurances etc) then such spend may be approved in advance by a minimum of two club directors and should be reported in the clubs accounts.
Every member binds themselves to:
Abide by the rules and regulations of the club and hold themselves in honor. Accept the decision of the committee as final in all cases of dispute or disagreement as to the interpretation of the rules and regulations of the club.
- Every member shall be furnished with a copy of the rules and regulations, together with a list of committee members on election.
- The committee shall agree the annual subscription. Only members who have paid the subscription in full will be eligible to participate in club activities.
- Every member that 'participates' in Earl Shilton Trials Club Ltd events agrees to provide an observer for one trial in each calendar year.
- At the discretion of the committee, extended memberships may be made available from time to time. Extended membership will entitle the purchaser to full club membership and practising for 5 or 10 years on the same terms as members taking 1-year membership in each year. Members with extended memberships will have the same rights as members taking out a 1-year membership. Annual and extended membership has no value to the club and no refunds will be given for any unused portion.
- All monies raised from membership are used to improve/extend the facilities owned by Earl Shilton Trials Club Ltd.
- If at any time in the future the club is dissolved all remaining assets shall be given or transferred to another registered CASC, a registered charity or the sport’s governing body for use by them in related community sports.
At general meetings, whether ordinary or extraordinary, a two thirds majority of votes decides a resolution regarding:
- The purchase or disposal of club assets exceeding £2,000 in value.
- Any change in the club constitution.
All other resolutions will be decided by a simple majority; the chairman having a casting vote in case of even voting.
The AGM will be held each year before the end of February. Notice of the meeting will be sent to all paid up members from the previous year.
Any resolutions to be presented to the members at a general meeting must be notified in writing to the secretary at least 14 days in advance of the meeting.
- Abide by Earl Shilton Trials Club Ltd and ACU Ltd rules and regulations and obey instructions of designated club officials.
- Park vehicles in such a manner as not to block the access road and field gateways.
- Ride motorcycles carefully and slowly to and from designated parking areas. All vehicles: Do not exceed 5mph within the M69 underpass or 10mph on farm tracks leading to the main gate or from the main gate to the carparks.
- Members shall wear suitable protective motorcycle clothing, including motorcycle helmet, motorcycle boots and gloves. Unless a helmet is manufactured with a camera as an intrinsic part, helmet cameras (including helmet camera brackets) and cameras attached to the body are prohibited. Cameras attached to a machine are permitted.
- Police the area whilst using the ground. All unauthorised persons on the property shall be asked to leave or reported to the committee or the police.
- Be responsible for the removal of all their own litter and other waste.
- Secure the site as far as reasonably practical. Main gate and toilet compound to be kept locked at all times (except on the morning of a trial competition). If gate locks are missing then please report this as soon as possible. All farm gates and strings to be left as you find them. Report any damage to club property, including fencing (
- The use of power / pressure washer is prohibited at all times.
- Display practice number boards at all times when practising.
- All members should be accompanied by at least one other person when practising at the ground, in case of an accident. Report any incidents requiring medical attention to the club (
- Only fully paid-up members of ESTC are permitted to practise at the Yennards. Members should not encourage or allow non club members to practise. Only Trials Specific motorcycles (petrol or electric) with trials specific tyres can be ridden at the Yennards. No practicing after 12:30 on the day before a club trial competition.
Comply with the above and accept that failure to do so may result in membership being canceled.